“If you don’t know how to love yourself, then you don’t know what true love is.”
It’s amazing how this true-blue Atenean lives his life to the fullest with just breathing in the beauty of who he really is. Armed with the concept of self-love, he strives to be the best of himself especially in the big realms of fashion and career.
Born on the 26th of July, 18-year-old Jose Paolo Natividad Carlos considers his fashion life as an adventurous and experimental tale resembling that of the Ugly Duckling.
“Back then, every time I look in the mirror, all I see is an unattractive skinny boy. Lampa, ‘pare. Lampa!” Yes, he was not an athletic type of kid, as we supposed all boys must be. He played basketball, but he seemed inept at that supposedly-active-game back then.
The hitch did not cease there. Studying in an all-boy school must be a pressure for Paolo. Surrounded by boys of handsome to less-handsome range, the desire to stand out and be the Adonis among them all is perhaps dynamic for every boy. But in his case, it was different. “I didn’t feel envious to any person. Caring for how you look is not about “OMG-he’s-groovy-so-shall-I” mindset. It is actually about how you inspire your own self.”
Bearing this in mind, Paolo faced the turning point in his fashion life excellently. When he was in grade seven, his cousins helped him to break free from his same old look. His cousins, who are proprietors of a fashion boutique, served as his fashion consultants. “They dressed me up. They even gave me tips about clothing. Yeah mehn!” Indeed, it was his breakthrough.
Until now, Paolo cares about his peculiar style to maintain such a pleasing aura. “I like to keep my body fit,” he says. He works out regularly in the gym, he engages himself to swimming, and yes, he follows his own diet. “I often set my diet into three groups: diet for a reason, a season, and a lifetime. Panis ‘pare!” His diet categories may sound a little funny, but he brilliantly gives justice to them. “Diet for a reason includes proteins. It is a necessity to keep your body well-built. Diet for a season includes pastries. You don’t want to ruin your sexy body, do you? Lastly, diet for a lifetime includes carbohydrates. It’s our source of energy, ‘pare.”
Besides himself, Taylor Lautner and Gerard Butler inspire him a lot. He likes Taylor Lautner’s (the famous Jacob Black in the Twilight Sagas) appeal. “You know what, I have Lautner’s chest,” he jokes. As much as he likes Lautner, Gerard Butler’s looks plus intelligence (Butler has a law career) also captures his admiration. “There will come a time, we three will have parallel universes. Oh yeah,” he nods.
He is definitely knowledgeable in the elegance-keeping scheme of one’s self. What’s more interesting, he also strives for the best career in the future. He is a freshman taking up Management Economics (MECO) in the Ateneo. When asked about his future plans within the next four to five years, he sees himself studying even more. After graduating from the said course, he intends to take up a graduate course in Communications. “Only some have the guts to take a grad course. So, when I pursue one, it will be a big advantage already – bonus ‘ika nga.” He even shares a testimonial from his dermatologist, “My derma once told me that I really have this yabang and the logic to become a future lawyer.”
After all the stresses in studying, he would want to have an independent life. Many girls would surely want to know what type of lady Paolo wants to be with. Does he want a fabulous fashionista, or a lawyer perhaps? “Hmm. I’m different now. Back in high school, I just based on the physical appearance. Today, I look into the outside as well as the inside personality of a person. But basically, I want an independent, smart and appreciative woman.” Alright, Atenean girls, watch out! “By the way, school does not make your personality; it is you who make yourself,” he grinned.
So, what more can you ask for? He will surely rock the fashion and career world in no time. There is no need to ask – Paolo has definitely got the best of both worlds.
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