Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Day I Chose Blue & White

I can still remember the feeling I felt three years ago, the feeling I felt as I convince myself that I am actually entering the Ateneo. It was a feeling of delight, but honestly, it was mostly of fear, doubt, and yes, anxiety. Why? Well, back then, I always thought of the Ateneo as a university exclusive for the rich ones, those who belong to the elite class of society. Or perhaps an academe simply meant for the smartest bunch of people. I thought that was it; I thought I’ve heard enough. But as soon as I enter this prestigious school, I knew I was wrong.

I am still overwhelmed; the fact that I was given the chance to study here is amazing. Spending almost three years in the Ateneo has truly been transforming and life-changing for an ordinary person like me. I came here thinking that college is simply college―pure academics, pure intellectual. Eh ano pa ba? I believe that one pursues college to study, to learn, to delve into the world of erudition. All I know is that it seeks to prepare each of us towards professional excellence. The Ateneo gave it to me. No, it gave me more than what I have expected. In this institution, I’ve found a number of wonderful people―those who will inspire you to do more, to give more. From excellent professors―who are utterly devoted in educating students―to diligent and spirited co-students who will motivate you to try harder, and inspire you to accomplish various things excellently. For me, the Ateneo’s mission to guide me towards a solid career in the future does not just concern the people I’ve been surrounded with for the past three years. The Ateneo also provides me with an outstanding curriculum complete with an access to a wide range of instruments that I myself believe will guarantee a firm foundation for my future. I only asked God a decent education, but He gave me so much more―the Ateneo education.

I was right on that part. But there’s something wrong with what I believed in before: the Ateneo―college life so to speak―is not just about pure academics. It’s not just about the intellectual upbringing of its students. The Ateneo, as I have witnessed and personally experienced for almost three years already, does not just hone me towards professional excellence. It continues to gear me up, taking me each step closer to the best Trina that I can be.

In this university, I’ve gone through a lot of challenges already. Surviving each year in the Ateneo is not as easy, to be honest. Here I cried because things did not come the way I expected, here I sacrificed many nights of sleep just to accomplish what is asked of me. There’s still a lot more. But as they say, the trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. All these experiences have led me to deep realizations of myself, letting each trial pinpoint my strengths and weaknesses. Through these challenges, I believe I have been holistically formed. I have eventually been transformed to acquire this persevering character, this dedicated personality.

And oh, one thing that I like the most about the Ateneo education is that it includes the formation of one’s spirituality. The Ateneo way inspires me to get a strong hold of my relationship with God. I may have a different religion, but I appreciate what the Ateneo urges its students to do regarding spirituality. After all, it is not about religion; it is about the relationship with God. And I thank the heavens that I belong to this university that caters this need to grow spiritually.

Moreover, I know most of us do find the Ateneo as a hub of leaders. I would not argue anymore because I find it so, so true. Leadership formation in the Ateneo is one of its priorities. It taught me this: everyone can be a leader. It is not about who you or your connections are, it is not about whether you are influential or not, it is not about how popular you are…It is about your capability to commit, your willingness to dedicate yourself for others. I learned a different kind of leadership in the Ateneo through my involvement in different organizations. The leadership I have developed in the Ateneo is not directed to the self alone; it is directed towards others, seeking the kapwa’s formation. Until today, I am continuously immersing myself to these activities because I really want to grasp the essence of truly “being men and women for others”.

The Ateneo education made me realize that we, ordinary people, can be extraordinary too in our own unique ways. It transforms the way I look at life. It widens my horizons. It broadens my perspective. It strengthens my will. It nourishes my character. It deepens my spirituality. All of these I can now see in myself because three years ago, I decided to choose blue and white, I decided to choose the Ateneo. :)

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